The Herba Vita company was established in 2002 in the city of Ruse, Bulgaria. The owner and manager is Eng. Maria Toleva, who is also a qualified specialist in medical applications of biologically active substances extracted from natural sources, essential oils and medical cosmetics. She is the author of a number of articles in electronic newspapers and has given interviews on Bulgarian National Television - BNT2.


Since 2016, eng. Maria Toleva has started her own production of boutique tinctures /water-ethanol extracts/ from herbs, fruits, resinous substances and other natural sources, which are delivered from their natural deposits in different continents. These natural products contain useful substances as a result of growing in the appropriate climate, soil and other natural conditions. The use of such natural sources does not allow for large-scale production, so whoever wishes to use them can order them at the e-mail address specified in "Contacts".

Self-medication with nutritional supplements can harm the body
"Use the products only when the diagnosis is definitively established," advises Maria Toleva, a qualified specialist in medical applications of biologically active substances extracted from natural sources, essential oils and medicinal cosmetics at the HERBA VITA center in Ruse.

This newspaper article DUNAVMOST, is written by a specialist in medical applications of biologically active substances, Maria Toleva. Viewing the special she created tincture, which not only calms a person's nerves, but also contributes to a better quality of sleep. Maria tells about each herb included in the tincture:
DUNAVMOST - Virtual bridge of news!
Maria Toleva:
Chronic fatigue syndrome has its natural solution
• April 02, 2021 - 3:02 p.m
"People often attribute the loss of energy to age or their life circumstances, thus ignoring the disease," says Maria Toleva - naturotherapist, manager of the Herba Vita health center.
With the modern rhythm of life and the negative information background, it is very difficult to avoid stress and emotional fatigue. It is even worse if the fatigue builds up and then starts to come not only at the end of the working day or week, but almost constantly. This means that it is time to finally hear the "help signals" that the body is sending us
The appearance of chronic fatigue syndrome is associated with the development of a specific neurosis of the central regulatory centers of the autonomic nervous system. If left untreated, this syndrome can turn into depression, as well as cause infectious and allergic diseases, says Maria Toleva.
The reasons are different. Chronic fatigue syndrome is a disease of civilized countries. At risk are people whose work is associated with increased responsibility, but in the current situation, no one is immune from this unpleasant disease. Constant stress, chronic diseases, viral infections and unbalanced emotional and intellectual workload - all this increases the chances of chronic fatigue syndrome even at an early age.
Symptoms of chronic fatigue:
The main symptom of chronic fatigue is unexplained constant fatigue, which reduces the ability to work many times. This affects the psycho-emotional state of the person, significantly complicates everyday life and interferes with communication even with relatives. Additionally, chronic fatigue can lead to headaches, memory loss, insomnia, nausea, and more. Due to the variety of symptoms, the disease is difficult to diagnose.
Chronic weakness and fatigue appear gradually, and a person may not realize that his condition is risky for a long time. Unfortunately, people often attribute the loss of energy to their age or life circumstances, thus ignoring the disease and making the situation worse.
It is important to pay attention to the following signs of chronic fatigue in time:
Main symptom: Constant decline in strength and progressively decreasing working capacity
- Rapid fatigue. If actions that used to be easy become a huge problem, then you need to pay special attention to this. And this applies not only to business matters: a short walk, a meeting with friends or even a trip to the store can be accompanied by fatigue.
- Mood swings. Another symptom of chronic fatigue can be changes in mood, from complete apathy to outbursts of anger.
- Sleep disorders: drowsiness, insomnia, poor quality, superficial or interrupted sleep.
- Headache of varying intensity, character or duration.
- Problems with memory and concentration: mood deterioration, difficulty remembering information, irritability.
- Reduced immunity. For example, frequent sore throats, viral infections, exacerbation of chronic diseases.
- Increased body temperature.
Treatment and prevention
People who have noticed even some of the mentioned symptoms should pay attention to their lifestyle. Rehabilitation procedures prescribed by a doctor or physiotherapist are recommended. Rest is desirable, rest in nature, Maria Toleva is categorical.
Improve your sleep quality to wake up rested. Get tested for vitamin B12 and vitamin D deficiency, as well as serum iron and other indicators that your doctor will recommend based on your personal health.
Since many people complain of symptoms of chronic fatigue after viral infections, I recommend the following products:
Tincture "Stimagra Herb" - The herbs contained in this tincture improve blood circulation and compensate for the oxygen hunger of the cells, eliminating the feeling of fatigue.
Spirulina tablets - Regulates the metabolism, prevents the retention of toxic substances in the body and compensates for the lack of vitamins and minerals.
Mursal tonic with mumio - Natural vitamin-mineral complex that restores the body's vitality